Wednesday 16 October 2019

The Other 5%

It's been said that 95% of what you do today will be good and right.  Congratulations.

Now, what can you do to fix the other 5%?

That may seem a little harsh to some of you.  After all, anyone who is getting it right 95% of the time is beyond successful!  But this statement is not about achievement, it is about improvement and growth.  A person who not only wants to succeed but also wants to be their very best can never rest on prior accomplishments.  There is always another mountain to climb or sea to cross.

We are called to grow in our faith, and while our works don't save us, we understand that what we accomplish in our works subtly corresponds in some way to the level of our faith.  The greater the faith, the more we should be able to accomplish through it.  As we grow in our faith, our faith should be more and more evident through our works.

And so we strive to accomplish more, to get better at what we do, to improve, not for the sake of our own glory or fame, but because our growing faith demands it.

When things are going well and 95% of the time you do the right thing, you will be tempted to congratulate yourself and take a break.  As a leader of others and a follower of Christ, don't give in to that temptation.  Instead, think about what you can do better, not out of pride or a desire to impress others, but out of a burning desire to use your talents to the fullest for his glory and the growth of His Kingdom.

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