Thursday 3 October 2019

Somehow It Will All Work Out

"I am not sure what to do, God, but here I go.  Please make it all work out right."
Richard Kriegbaum in Leadership Prayers

Just move.  More than once I've heard God telling me that I could no longer stay put, no longer consider my options, no longer put off the inevitable.  I would have to act.  Perhaps it was true that I had not collected all the information I wanted or felt I needed.  Perhaps I wasn't at all sure what the right or best decision was.  But still I had to act.  I had to actually do something.

Leaders often do not have the luxury of waiting it out, hoping something good happens.  They have to move forward, all the while asking God to "please make it all work out right."  This is not a cop out.  Instead, it is an admittance that we are not in control of the outcome.  Neither is it laziness, (assuming we have done due diligence to the matter with our time and all other resources God has provided).  It is a sign of humble confidence.

Move ahead. Press on.  ACT.  Somehow it will all work out.   Not because everything will go according to our plan or wishes, but because it will always go according to His plan.  And that is the only plan that a Christian leader should ultimately be concerned about. 

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