Wednesday 15 January 2020

What Really Matters

The Lord’s blessing is our greatest strength.”  Proverbs 10:22 TLB 

Recently I gathered with my wife and children, seven siblings, in-laws, nieces and nephews, cousins, uncles and aunts, current and long-lost friends, and even a few strangers to celebrate the life of our family's patriarch, my dad.  Even at the age of 89, after living a full and productive life, his death still somehow felt untimely.  I was ready, and at the same time, completely unready for him to leave us.  I understand that as a follower of Jesus, he is far better off now than at any time on this earth. But I miss my visits and phone calls with him, his warm smile, and gentleness.  Even as I write, I fight back the tears. 

His loss has made me consider more urgently what really matters in life.  My dad never put monetary gain or selfish ambition above family, and certainly not above matters of God’s Kingdom. How many of us can say the same?  He knew that what really matters in this life is not acclaim or wealth or power, but the Lord’s blessing on a life lived for Him.  Dad did not leave his numerous descendants a large monetary inheritance.  What he left was of far greater importance – the impact of a life lived in service to his King, an example of what it really means to follow Jesus. 

From his meager resources, he continued to support this ministry (and many others) until his death. Perhaps he felt a certain obligation to support ECM, but I like to think that ultimately, he simply felt an overwhelming desire to be a part of growing God’s Kingdom, and partnership with ECM was a good way to ensure that God’s love was shown to the vulnerable and outcast in this world.  For that, he received God’s blessing and was welcomed into heaven by the words we all long to hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” 

Without a doubt, this is what really matters. 

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