Wednesday 12 June 2019


"Do not be afraid or discouraged..., for the battle is not yours, but God's."
2 Chronicles 20:15

Recently, the US office experienced significant upheaval, losing both our finance manager and our child sponsorship coordinator within the span of a few weeks.  Our Ghana office has experienced similar changes in recent months, and our Uganda office is no stranger to staff disruption. (Only our DRC staff has remained fully in tact over the years, for which we are grateful!)

The question is not, "Will change occur?" but "How will we respond when unexpected and unwanted changes come our way?"  Our answer to this question is vitally important to our ministry as we move forward with our God-given mandate to bring hope, help, and dignity to vulnerable children.  We must remember two things first and foremost as we grapple with change:

  1. ECM belongs to God, and not to any of us, either individually or collectively.  God has made it clear that the battle is not ours, but his (2 Chronicles 20:15).  We forget this truth far too often, more than we would like and far more than we care to admit.  Each office, each project, each outreach effort, each goal, and most significantly, each accomplishment, belongs to him.  The battle is indeed his. When we face unexpected or even expected hardship, DO NOT FORGET that God is the owner, and we are simply the caretakers.  This is HIS ministry. Can you honestly reflect on any point during the long history of ECM that he did not provide?  Don't fear - he's got this!
  1. Second -and this is SO IMPORTANT to remember- God has equipped us for this work, and he strengthens us to handle the tasks and the difficulties that come our way.  Are you willing to put forth the extra effort to get the job done? To go the extra mile? To put in the extra time? To pray consistently and diligently for God's provision?  ECM staff, God has uniquely equipped you for this task.  Trust him!  Move forward with confidence!  I fully believe that we have been specifically chosen "for such a time as this," that each of us is exactly where God wants us do be, and that he will continue to use us to bring the hope of Jesus to those thirsty for life.
What a privilege it is to be a part of God's family, and to serve in such an incredible ministry!  Go forward with CONFIDENCE, despite any obstacles you may face, for God is on our side!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the reminder, Mark, that the battle is God's. It is so easy for me to try to fix things beyond my control which leads to frustration and discouragement. May all of us do what we can, when we can, and all with the strength of the Lord.


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