Wednesday 22 May 2019

Dealing with Diversity Part 2

Last week we began to discuss the steps we must take if we hope to learn from the viewpoints of others.  We learned that, much to our surprise, we are not always right!  This subtle acknowledgement is critical if we want to build the capacity to really hear others and learn from their perspective. If we think we are always right, we will rarely listen honestly to others.

Today we continue with two more steps we must take if we hope to come together with others in honest dialogue.

2.  We must understand that God created diversity, and that one of the most fascinating and remarkable aspects of his creation is how that diversity contributes to life itself.  If we acknowledge how the physical differences in the world, for example male and female, contribute to the uniqueness and beauty of the world, why do we struggle to accept that different viewpoints also bring beauty?  We should work hard to understand why others think differently, and then enjoy the spice that it adds to our lives!

3.  Approaching every difference of opinion with a spirit of love is like pouring a bucket of water on a campfire - it effectively puts out the fire and eliminates the chance that the difference in viewpoint will cause a "forest fire," potentially bringing life long separation between two people.  Our love for others and our desire to have a positive relationship with them must be more important than our opinions or our need to be "right."  When we love, we give up the right to have our way, to win our argument, and to always go home with the prize (see 1 Corinthians 13).  Simply put, relationships are more important than viewpoints.

Tune in next week for two more important steps we should take if we want to use diversity to help us grow.

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