Wednesday 27 March 2019

Team Focused - Core Value #4

In this post we will dig further into ECM's core values. Your team has been evaluating ECM's core values with the goal of developing specific steps that will guide you in fulfilling the mission and vision of ECM. You will continue to do this as you evaluate the next value.  There are no right or wrong answers. I ask you only to honestly, together with your co-workers, discuss what each value looks like with "flesh" on it.  How can we put each value into practice on a regular basis?  I look forward to your comments as together we grow as a staff.  Here is Core Value #4:

We will be Team Focused: United in faith and purpose, with a spirit of grace, all staff members will be valued, respected, listened to, and encouraged to grow spiritually and professionally.

How can we, as ECM staff, be intentional about being team focused?  Share your responses/ideas in the comments section on this blog, and discuss with your co-workers!

Wednesday 13 March 2019

How Can I Help?

Leadership is filled with numerous potential pitfalls, all of which can derail even the best leaders's vision and plans.  One of the most serious of these pitfalls is the misguided notion that leaders are to cast a vision and then let others run with it. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The most eloquently cast vision will die a quick death when there is no practical way to carry it out. Assuredly, a strong leader will empower others to carry out the task, and equipping staff is vital to positive outcomes.  But it is also critical for a leader to fearlessly ask the question, "How can I help?" and then follow through with truly helpful actions that strengthen the mission and vision of the organization.

Are you willing to get your hands dirty in order to get the job done?  Are you willing to lead by example rather than bark orders from outside?  Are you willing to look others squarely in the eye and ask, "How can I help?" and then provide the help asked for, enabling your staff to effectively do their jobs and accomplish the vision?  I can promise you that if you are willing, and if you follow through, you and your team will accomplish more than you could ever dream!

Don't be the obstacle that stands between you and the fulfillment of your vision. Instead, be the conduit through which success passes.  It begins with a simple question: How can I help?

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Leading through Service to Others - Core Value #3

In this post we will dig further into ECM's core values. Your team has been evaluating ECM's core values with the goal of developing specific steps that will guide you in fulfilling the mission and vision of ECM. You will continue to do this as you evaluate the next value.  There are no right or wrong answers. I ask you only to honestly, together with your co-workers, discuss what each value looks like with "flesh" on it.  How can we put each value into practice on a regular basis?  I look forward to your comments as together we grow as a staff.  Here is Core Value #3:

We will Lead through Service to Others: Guided by Christ's perfect example, we will operate a culture of servant leadership at all times and in every situation.

How can we, as ECM staff, be intentional about leading through service to others?  Share your responses/ideas in the comments section on this blog, and discuss with your co-workers!