Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Children: Precious Treasure from God

Our post today is written by Edward Owusu Sekyere, National Director of ECM-Ghana.

In Eph. 6:1-6 we find a clear description for Christian children and their Home. For them to have a blessed, fruitful and promising life on earth they need to abide by the Word of life in GOD, so that the end will glorify GOD.

Ps.116:15. Precious in the sight of God is the death of his saints. Paul said the HOLY SPIRIT bears witness with our spiritual that we are children of God. (Romans 8:15). As children of God we have to walk and behave as such. For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

What gift or talent have we received, and from whom did we receive it? ln Eccles. 10:9 it states, "Rejoice o young man in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of their heart, and in the sight of thine eyes; but know thou that for all these things God will bring thee into JUDGMENT. "

1Cor.15:57-58 says "But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord JESUS CHRIST. Therefore , my beloved brethren (father, mother, sister and brother) be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. For as much as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."
We all need to preserve this precious and great gift of the Lord. Two precious gems from HAVEN OF HOPE came to the limelight this past May during Mother's Day when they won for themselves a certificate of recognition- recognition of their humility, hardwork , teamspirit , willingness to help to colleagues, friends and staff , and fantastic attitudes by Mothering the Nation Foundation. They are Miriam Manu and Godsway Asinyo from of Haven Of Hope.  Congratulations to both of them!

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Compassionate in our Evangelism - Core Value #6

In this post we will dig further into ECM's core values. Your team has been evaluating ECM's core values with the goal of developing specific steps that will guide you in fulfilling the mission and vision of ECM. We have now reached our sixth and last core value to evaluate.  Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. I ask you only to honestly, together with your co-workers, discuss what each value looks like with "flesh" on it.  How can we put each value into practice on a regular basis?  I look forward to your comments as together we grow as a staff.  Here is Core Value #6:

We will be Compassionate in our Evangelism: We will build and maintain a safe environment where children are loved, served, and valued, and can grow, ask questions, and hear the Good News of Jesus.

How can we, as ECM staff, be intentional about being compassionate in our evangelism?  Share your responses/ideas in the comments section on this blog, and discuss with your co-workers!

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Winning the Battle

Our post today is written by Edward Owusu Sekyere, National Director of ECM-Ghana.

Joshua 5:9 and 1 Kings 18: 41-45

We need to break the yoke of Jezebel or Satan. We do not know what is in store for us this year but in the Name of Jesus Christ we shall overcome. Our Jesus went through trials and he overcame and won victory for us. Seven times the prophet Elijah sent his servant to go and look out for rain. One of the greatest enemies of our generation is the delay of time, which often drains our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is one of the greatest challenges of the Christian faith. This is one reason a woman of God said, "The Lord has removed my reproach."  We must continue to stand firm with our faith in the Lord. We have to allow the  spirit of God to lead. To sometimes let the finger of God appear to us to let our faith believe that there is abundance of rain.

The sign alone is a faith of abundance of rain. God Almighty will do it in his way, might and power and not by anyone's way (Isaiah 40). May God give us the enablement to achieve what we are not able to do. 

We need to be very very careful because we fight against powers of darkness and principalities. The Bible says He who thinks he is standing be careful less he falls (1 Kings 19:3).  God did a lot in the life of Elijah, but when it came to the battle of words, Elijah went into hiding. Fear not, that's what the Lord Jesus told us. We should not fear for the remaining months ahead of us in the year 2019 (Isaiah 54 :17).  We need to stand on the promises of God (Hebrews 13:5).  It is the power of God that will do it. It is the power of God that will win the battle for us.